The House of Representatives approved a 4.52 trillion yen fiscal 2005 extra budget Tuesday after a Lower House panel was forced the day before to delay the planned passage when debate was disrupted for hours over the beef import issue.

The House of Councilors is expected to approve the supplementary budget on Friday.

It covers the year through March 31 and includes finance relief measures for asbestos victims.

The Lower House Budget Committee was initially scheduled to approve the extra budget Monday afternoon so a plenary session could pass it later in the day.

The committee session was disrupted over remarks by farm minister Shoichi Nakagawa on the government's failure to keep its promise to send officials to check U.S. meatpackers prior to resuming beef imports last month.

Due to the disruption, the panel approved the budget at midnight Monday, backed by the Liberal Democratic Party and its partner, New Komeito.