An internationally wanted North Korean agent abducted Megumi Yokota, repatriated Japanese abductee Hitomi Soga has testified, sources said Thursday.

Sin Guang Su, 76, is wanted for the abduction of a 43-year-old Japanese man in 1980 and is also suspected of involvement in the abductions of other abductees who have since been repatriated, including Yasushi Chimura and his wife, Fukie, both 50.

Japanese police are pursuing investigations into abduction cases linked to Sin.

Yokota is believed to have been kidnapped in November 1977 at age 13 in the city of Niigata on her way home from school.

It has already been known that she and Soga lived for a while together in a facility in Pyongyang where Sin served as their teacher.

According to the sources, Soga was told by Sin himself that he was one of Yokota's abductors.