Three more condominium complexes built with false quake-resistance data have been found in Tokyo and Kawasaki, bringing the number of buildings vulnerable to major temblors to 88 in 17 prefectures, the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry said Wednesday.

One of the two Kawasaki condo complexes, whose construction plan was endorsed by the city government in 1998, is the oldest among the 88 buildings whose safety data were fabricated by architect Hidetsugu Aneha.

Aneha was stripped of his architect license earlier this month following the revelations of the data fabrication in November. He has so far been found to have been involved in the construction of at least 205 condo high-rises and hotels across the country.

Of those buildings, no data fabrication has been discovered for 83. Investigations are now under way for 17 structures, and the locations of another 17 have yet to be determined, ministry officials said.

The ministry was set to make public Wednesday afternoon the results of its investigations into 260 buildings that did not involve Aneha but did involve the failed Kimura Construction Co., its wholly owned Heisei Sekkei design office, and condo developer Huser Ltd.

Kimura Construction, based in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Prefecture, built many of the known defective buildings. It went bankrupt Dec. 1.

Huser of Tokyo, Sun Chuo Home of Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, and Shinoken Co. of Fukuoka are among developers of the defective condos.