Putting an end to twists and turns in government policy over the last 30 years, the land ministry on Monday approved a new airport construction plan on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture, which is known for its beautiful coral reefs.

The initial plan for the construction was drawn up 30 years ago but the location of the 42 billion yen airport, with a 2,000-meter runway, has been changed three times due to rows with conservationists.

The original plan called for creating landfill off the Shiraho coast of the island, known for its rare coral reefs. The plan sparked a battle with environmentalists that dragged on for decades.

The approved plan aims to open the airport in 2013 on a hill in the eastern part of the island.

About 630 activists from across the country hold title to 1,500 sq. meters of the site. They remain opposed to the plan, claiming the construction will affect rare bats and that soil runoff from the construction will destroy nearby coral reefs.