Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun will hold a meeting Nov. 18 on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit to be held in Pusan, South Korea, the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo and the South Korean presidential office announced Wednesday.

At the afternoon summit, Koizumi and Roh are expected to discuss bilateral issues and common concerns on regional and international affairs, including the North Korean nuclear threat, ministryofficials said.

The summit was thrown into doubt after South Korea unleashed a storm of criticism over Koizumi's Oct. 17 visit to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo that worsened the already strained ties between the two countries.

On Tuesday, Roh said at a luncheon in Seoul that he would meet with Koizumi on the sidelines of the APEC forum.