Tokyo called on Santiago Tuesday to give fair treatment to former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, who was arrested by Chilean police early Monday soon after arriving from Japan on a surprise visit.

The government made the request through the Japanese Embassy in Chile, seeking fair treatment for Fujimori in accordance with Chilean law and based on Fujimori's Japanese citizenship.

The 67-year-old ex-president departed suddenly from Tokyo on Sunday, apparently to prepare for a political comeback in Peru after five years of self-imposed exile in Japan. Fujimori has been indicted on more than 20 counts in Peru, including allegedly sanctioning a paramilitary death squad, and is on an Interpol arrest notice. He has denied the charges.

The Foreign Ministry is currently verifying the conditions of Fujimori's detention and may ask Chile if Japanese consular representatives can meet with him to check on his health and ask if he has any requests for Tokyo.