of local citizens and the Japanese people in the only country that suffered atomic bombings . . . we request that the government nullify the deployment agreement, and that the U.S. government continue deploying a conventional aircraft carrier," the municipal assembly said.

Kurabayashi said the statement would be sent to the central government officials, including Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. He said the city has no power to block the decision.

Last week, the U.S. and Japanese governments announced plans for the U.S. Navy to station a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in Japan for the first time. The U.S. Navy said it would have greater capabilities than the diesel-powered USS Kitty Hawk currently based at Yokosuka.

On Saturday, about 80 people -- many of them victims of the U.S. atomic bombings -- rallied in Hiroshima against the plans to deploy the nuclear-powered carrier.

"It makes me angry that America can even consider basing a nuclear carrier in Japan, the only country in the world to have suffered a nuclear attack," said Kazutoshi Kajikawa, head of the Hiroshima Peace Movement Center.