poses no legal or social problem, and we could be subject to criticism if we did not seek payments."

The former activists turned to the Internet in July to begin raising funds after some of them were told by their employers to quit their jobs, they said.

About 2,000 contributions -- ranging from 1,000 yen to 100,000 yen -- were received with messages, they said.

"I am right now bogged down with work every day, but my 3/26 (the date of the control tower siege) has never ended," one message read.

The dues will be paid in full Nov. 11, the activists said.

One of them, Kenichi Nakagawa, a 58-year-old salaried worker, said, "It is like a wave. (The fundraising campaign) gave opportunities for friends from the old days to meet each other in various places and to be encouraged."