An independent TV production company submitted to police a videotape that was meant to be aired by TV Asahi Corp. showing an underwear burglary, the broadcaster said Wednesday.

"The submission of the videotape violates a general rule (of reporting), that it should be used only for broadcasting purposes," TV Asahi said, adding it punished four of its employees in charge of broadcasting the program.

The production company shot the theft with the cooperation of a Tokyo woman who had suffered similar intrusions between August and September.

TV Asahi staff overpowered the culprit at her house and handed him over to police. They also submitted a copy of the footage to the Metropolitan Police Department and got it back later, TV Asahi said.

The production company bought underwear before the shoot to serve as the woman's, as she said she could no longer stand having hers stolen, according to TV Asahi.

The sting operation "was imprudent and may invite misunderstanding," the broadcaster said.

TV Asahi said it has decided not to air the video footage, which was to be shown in November.