The Tokyo High Court rejected on Wednesday a lawsuit accusing Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara of disparaging women.

The 113 plaintiffs, all women, are trying to sue Ishihara for telling a weekly magazine in 2001, quoting a college professor, that the most harmful thing civilization has given birth to is the "baba," a Japanese expression meaning "old hag."

"It's undeniable that the remarks made the plaintiffs uncomfortable, but it cannot be said that the remarks violated their rights to pursue happiness and live equally," presiding Judge Yoshinori Ishikawa said in handing down the ruling that upheld a lower court ruling.

The outspoken governor also said, quoting the professor, that it is "sinful" for a woman to continue to live after she loses her reproductive capacity. "They make some sense, but I myself cannot say that as a politician," he added, according to the magazine article.

The plaintiffs are demanding 110,000 yen each in compensation and retraction of the remarks.

The high court maintained the portion of the lower court ruling that said some of Ishihara's remarks "conflict with the Constitution stipulating equality under the law."

The plaintiffs said they will appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court.