Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. plans to commercialize Wakamaru, its humanoid secretarial guard robot, by the end of the year.

The company has formed an alliance with seven firms, including major trading houses Itochu Corp., Sumitomo Corp. and Mitsubishi Corp., whose sales channels and knowhow are expected to be key in selling the robot to homeowners, it said.

The 1 meter-high, 30-kg robot is expected to cost around 1 million yen, a public relations official at the heavy machinery maker said Wednesday.

Wakamaru, unveiled in 2003, is powered by rechargeable batteries and gets around on wheels. The robot is being used to help receptionists and staff at its head office in Tokyo and at the World Expo in Aichi Prefecture.

As a home robot, Wakamaru can work as a "secretary" by memorizing the owner's schedule and reciting appointments, or as a "watchdog" by alerting homeowners about break-ins, the company said.