A panel was formed Tuesday by 116 members of the Liberal Democratic Party to support Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's contentious visits to Yasukuni Shrine for the sake of "peace" and "national interests."

The group of 83 Lower House members, who have been elected no more than five times, and 33 Upper House members elected no more than twice, included Deputy Secretary General Shinzo Abe, an ardent supporter of Koizumi's trips to the Shinto shrine despite criticism of the visits from both within and outside Japan.

"Various discussions on the Yasukuni issue are going on both within and outside of the country, but no progress has been made based on accurate perceptions," said the group's chairman, Tadahiro Matsushita, criticizing LDP members who want Koizumi to stop visiting the shrine after protests from Beijing and Seoul.

The group said it will compile a report on the shrine issue and submit it to Koizumi this fall.