Japan will propose at a U.N. convention against global warming that industrialized nations transfer energy-saving technologies to developing nations as part of emission quota transactions, officials at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Saturday.
Japan will make the proposal during a meeting of the signatory countries to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Montreal in November, the officials said.
Under the Kyoto Protocol, which requires industrialized countries to cut emissions of greenhouse gases, a country is allowed to offset protocol obligations by conducting emissions-reduction projects in developing countries that are less costly than those in industrialized countries. The program as the Clean Development Mechanism.
While some developing countries have expressed strong hope for introducing Japan's energy conservation technologies, little progress has been seen so far.
Part of the reason for the slow progress is the difficulty in estimating the size of an emission quota that is earned through giving such technologies to developing countries, the officials said.
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