Supporters of seven Bangladeshi men who are being detained for overstaying their visas gathered Friday in front of the Justice Ministry to demand their release, saying the men have established their lives in this country.

The Asian People's Friendship Society, a group lobbying for the men, also gave a written statement to the ministry asking for the detainees' provisional release and for special residence permits for them.

The seven have been held for more than a month at the Immigration Bureau in Minato Ward.

In September, two months before their detention began, the men had turned themselves in to immigration authorities, hoping to get special residence permits. At that point, they were not detained and returned home.

But on Nov. 26, they were all apprehended after a probe by immigration officials.

"These men have completely fitted into the Japanese society," said Tomoyuki Yamaguchi, a member of APFS. "They spent most of their youth here, working and making many friends. They have established their lives in Japan."