Defense Agency chief Yoshinori Ono said Sunday the government should authorize mobilization of the Self-Defense Forces when signs are detected that an enemy is conducting missile prelaunch activities.

"We can think of giving authorization for individual cases (of defensive action), taking into account circumstances surrounding the international situation, when we detect fuel has been loaded or a missile is erected (ready for launch)," Ono said, touching on the possibility of ballistic missile attacks targeting Japan.

But Ono, appearing on a Fuji TV talk show, indicated he is against giving the SDF a free hand in handling ballistic missile attacks.

"It is an important issue to consider how to build civilian control mechanisms into the implementation" of such an authorization process, Ono said.

Just a week ago, Ono said he would like to see the government present a bill next year to revise defense laws for quicker action in the event of a missile attack.