The Democratic Party of Japan might file a criminal complaint against Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Shinzo Abe for listing a public servant as a supporter in campaign postcards for the House of Representatives election in November.

Kyoto University professor Terumasa Nakanishi was listed as a supporter on Abe campaign postcards that were distributed in the Yamaguchi No. 4 constituency, according to recent media revelations.

The postcards show Nakanishi and his title, along with two other people on one side, and Abe's photograph, his profile and campaign pledges on the other.

The Government Officials Law restricts political activities by national public servants, including professors at state-run institutions such as Kyoto University.

For public servants, being listed as a supporter on a politician's campaign postcard might contravene a regulation by the National Personnel Authority.

Abe said he put Nakanishi on his election postcards without his consent. He said he did not break any laws.

The DPJ said Abe has violated the Public Office Election Law because he made a false statement on the postcard.