In an attempt to lure customers back to its 3,900 outlets, McDonald's Co. (Japan) Ltd. on Tuesday unveiled menu additions it hopes will project a fresh and healthy image.

Starting April 23, the hamburger chain will serve the Tofu Sandwich and the Premium Mac as part of its New Tastes Menu.

According to officials of the firm, the 230 yen Tofu Sandwich is designed to attract young women via tofu's healthy image -- something the chain has been perceived as lacking.

The 270 yen Premium Mac, which will go on sale nationwide after a three-month trial in Shizuoka Prefecture, features a meat patty double the volume of the regular patty.

"They are completely differentiated from the existing menu lines, such as the hamburger and Big Mac," said Yasuyuki Yagi, president of McDonald's Japan. "They were developed in accordance with current culinary trends and lifestyles."

The new campaign, under which the chain will introduce new items at intervals of six to eight weeks, is part of McDonald's Japan's efforts to woo back customers apparently no longer tempted by hamburgers that are simply cheap.

Vowing to return to profitability after suffering its first losses in 29 years, McDonald's continues to struggle. Same-store sales in March dropped 7.7 percent from a year ago, extending the negative growth streak to 18 months.

In the new campaign, the chain is trying to attract customers by giving its menu a fresh look. The burger chain also said it is not abandoning its 59 yen hamburger.