Honda Motor Co. posted a record 6.46 trillion yen in consolidated sales in fiscal 2000, but its profits fell mainly due to a rise of the yen against the euro and in expenses, according to the automaker's earnings report released Friday.

For the year that ended in March, Honda's group sales rose 6 percent year-on-year, thanks to increased car sales in Japan and North America.

Consolidated pretax profit, however, fell 7.5 percent to 384.9 billion yen and net profit dropped 11.5 percent to 232.2 billion yen. Its operating profit declined 4.5 percent to 406.9 billion yen.

For this fiscal year, the company projects a pretax profit of 505 billion yen on record sales of 7.15 trillion yen.

On an unconsolidated basis, Honda posted 137.3 billion yen in pretax profit, down 31.8 percent, on sales worth 3.042 trillion yen, up 4.2 percent.

Unconsolidated net profit plunged 91.6 percent to 11.3 billion yen, and operating profit 16 percent to 117 billion yen.

For fiscal 2002, Honda projects unconsolidated sales of 3.1 trillion yen, and a pretax profit of 175 billion yen.

The company plans to pay a dividend of 23 yen per share for the whole of fiscal 2000, unchanged from the previous year.