A delegation from Japan's powerful Keidanren business lobby arrived in Singapore on Thursday for a two-day visit to exchange views on the economic situation in Japan and the region.

"Necessary measures for regaining economic strength in Asia will also be discussed," a statement issued through the Japanese Embassy in Singapore by the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) said.

The six-member delegation, which arrived from Bangkok, is being led by Takashi Imai, who is chairman of Nippon Steel Corp.

They will meet Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and Trade and Industry Minister George Yeo over the two days. They will also meet with members of the Singapore business community.

On the agenda are the current economic situation and outlook for Japan and Singapore, and negotiations between the two governments for a bilateral free-trade pact known as the "Japan-Singapore economic agreement for a new-age partnership."