Sales at department stores in Tokyo's 23 wards fell in February by 0.8 percent from a year earlier to 150.80 billion yen, according to a preliminary report released Friday by the Japan Department Stores Association.

It was the second consecutive month of decline.

While sales of some seasonal merchandise -- such as spring clothes -- and clearance sales at some stores went well, overall sales sagged due to poor demand from corporate clients, it said.

Sales of clothing, the largest sales category, rose 0.4 percent to 52.20 billion yen, marking the first such increase in five months.

Sales of food, the second largest category, grew 2.4 percent to 29.73 billion yen, mainly because of promotions.

Sales of miscellaneous goods, such as jewelry and cosmetics, fell 1.9 percent to 25.18 billion yen, marking their first decline in four months.

The figures cover 28 outlets run by 14 department stores.