The Tokyo Stock Exchange plans to tighten the criteria under which stocks will be delisted beginning around April.

One rule states stocks will be delisted if their issuer fails to submit financial reports within four weeks of the legally set three-month deadline from the book-closing.

Another stipulates that companies report when their certified public accountant takes or leaves the post, or when there is a change in their auditing corporation, the TSE said.

Under current rules, companies' stocks will be delisted if they give false information in financial reports and if this causes an extensive impact.

There are no delisting rules concerning delays in submission of financial reports, or in changes to accountants and auditing corporations.

The TSE reviewed the rules following criticism that it allowed trading to continue for a month last year in the shares of Akai Electric Co. when the audio and visual equipment maker delayed reporting its earnings results.

Akai filed for court protection from creditors in November and has since been rehabilitating itself.