Japan's most powerful business lobby is planning to send a mission of up to 150 representatives to Russia between June 1 and June 8, the group's head said Monday.

Takashi Imai of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) told a regular news conference that the participants will visit Russia's Far East and western regions in three groups to study the business environment and technological development.

The groups will later gather in Moscow to exchange information and meet with Russian counterparts.

Russian President Vladimir Putin last year asked Japanese business leaders to visit his country.

If realized, this will be the first mission by Japanese business leaders to Russia in 25 years.

Asked about Japan's economic situation Monday, Imai called for speedy disposal of nonperforming assets possessed by Japanese companies, including financial institutions.

"Even if some financial institutions fall into crisis (due to the disposal), it won't destroy the nation's financial system," he said.

Imai reiterated that promotion of industrial reform as well as fiscal and administrative reform are necessary to regain foreign confidence in Japan's economy.