The ruling Liberal Democratic Party will consider making budget appropriations in fiscal 2000 to subsidize school fees for people who wish to learn how to operate personal computers, the party's top policymaker said Wednesday.

Shizuka Kamei, chairman of the LDP's Policy Research Council, told Economic Planning Agency chief Taichi Sakaiya of the plan during a meeting at the party's headquarters in Tokyo.

After the meeting, Kamei instructed Yoshio Yatsu, acting chairman of the Policy Research Council, to start deliberations on the plan, which calls for the issuance of "IT lesson cards" that would cover half the cost a person has to pay for attending computer courses.

Some members of the party are less enthusiastic about the plan, however, as they are concerned it could be seen as an attempt at vote-buying and result in careless budget appropriations.

In their meeting, Sakaiya told Kamei that the plan would not result in careless spending because the cards would only be issued to those in need.

Kamei told reporters: "After hearing about the plan, I think it would not be a bad idea. I also think it would not result in careless appropriations."

He said appropriations will be around 200 billion yen.