OSAKA -- Officials of Osaka Shiseido Co. failed to report an explosion in August at a factory in the city's Higashi-Yodogawa Ward that injured two employees, it was learned Saturday.

The explosion occurred on Aug. 23 on the production line for men's hair care products at a factory operated by the subsidiary of the Shiseido Co. cosmetics company, officials of the Osaka municipal fire department said.

Two employees suffered burns to the face from the explosion, which occurred at about 1:30 p.m. One was hospitalized for two days.

The blast was caused when workers deviated from standard procedures while mixing water, resin and alcohol in a stainless steel container, Osaka officials said.

Technically, the company was not obliged to report the accident since the flames went out instantly and the accident did not legally qualify as a "fire," authorities said. But it should have been reported because there were injuries, they added.