Plaintiff Eiko Shirafuji (second from right) and others form a human chain around the Osaka District Court to protest the court's rejection of a damages suit against Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. over its discrimination against women.

OSAKA -- Some 330 people formed a human chain Thursday around the Osaka District Court to protest its rejection a month ago of a 160 million yen damages suit filed against Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. by two female employees who claimed they were victims of gender bias.

During their lunchtime, the protesters, including women working in the area, joined hands for about 15 minutes from 12:30 p.m., calling the July 31 ruling unjust.

"When the ruling was read out, I felt frozen with anger," said Eiko Shirafuji, 50, one of the plaintiffs. "Discrimination against women is a violation of human rights. We want to make our office observe human rights."