Several leading Republican figures have released a report slamming July's Group of Eight summit in Okinawa saying an excessive amount of money was spent on an event in which leaders merely endorsed proposals already worked out by bureaucrats.

The report, released by the Forum for International Policy, whose president is Brent Scowcroft, a former presidential adviser on national security affairs, urges the next U.S. president to work toward making the event much simpler, beginning with next year's G8 summit in Genoa, Italy.

Along with Scowcroft, the report's authors include former Secretary of State Laurence Eagleburger, Persian Gulf War hero retired Gen. Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, a Stanford University professor.

Powell, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is tipped to be named secretary of state while Rice is likely to be an adviser on foreign affairs if Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush is elected