Seven infants being treated at the University of Tokyo Hospital have contracted an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, officials at the facility said Saturday.

Of the seven, all aged between 3 months and 2 years, a 2-year-old girl had a temperature of 39 in July but has since recovered, while the six others developed no symptoms from being infected by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the officials said.

Five of the children contracted MRSA after being admitted to the hospital's pediatrics section, while the other two were infected before entering the hospital, they said.

The seven -- five girls and two boys -- have been hospitalized for between four months and two years for congenital heart diseases or other serious illnesses, the officials said.

A pediatrician at the facility said the staff had been told to wash their hands carefully to prevent such infections. But the doctor added that some of the staff may not have followed the instructions in emergency situations.

MRSA is resistant to most antibiotics and is dangerous to those with weak immune systems. Hospitals have taken various measures to prevent patients from being infected by the bacteria.

A total of 36 children, including the seven, were at the pediatrics section of the hospital in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward as of Friday, the officials said.