A subsidiary of Marubeni Corp. donated at least $330,000 to a charity foundation from which former Indonesian President Suharto allegedly embezzled millions, according to prosecution dossiers submitted to an Indonesian court.

Among the 3,500 pages submitted to the South Jakarta District Court earlier this month are the names of 43 individuals, conglomerates, and state and private companies who together had donated about 215 billion rupiah ($26 million at current rates) by July 1999 to "Yayasan Supersemar," established by the 79-year-old former Indonesian leader in 1974.

Marubeni International Petroleum Co.'s (MIPCO) donation of 623.75 million rupiah was the 15th-largest contribution to the foundation.

According to Yoshio Fujimoto, a corporate vice president and managing director of Marubeni Corp., MIPCO was established in Hong Kong in January 1979 to deal with international petroleum trading.