A 41-year-old Chinese woman was arrested Monday for allegedly providing medical services in Tokyo without a proper license to practice medicine, police said.

Wang Xiaowen was arrested on suspicion of treating 11 women, mostly Chinese, since last year at two clinics she had opened in Tokyo's Kita Ward. Police believe Wang attracted patients by placing ads in local Chinese newspapers describing her clinics as general hospitals. She is suspected of treating 770 people and earning 33 million yen.

Many female patients who visited the clinics for fertility treatment or menstrual problems were allegedly falsely diagnosed as having sexually transmitted diseases or uterine blisters and charged between 50,000 yen and 100,000 yen for unnecessary laser treatments, police said.

Wang denies the allegations against her, maintaining she has never conducted medical services in Japan.

A local health care center in June 1999 ordered Wang to shut down her clinics after she had trouble delivering the baby of a suspected illegal Chinese immigrant, according to police.

A native of Shanghai, Wang came to Japan in 1987. She reportedly told police she passed an entrance exam to study at a Japanese medical school but could not attend because she did not have enough money, they said.