A U.S. government under Al Gore would push for a tougher trade policy toward Japan and other trade partners to protect the environment, workers' rights and the interests of U.S. businesses, the Democratic Party vowed in its policy platform adopted Tuesday.

On Asian security, the Gore presidency, pledging to maintain President Bill Clinton's legacy, would coordinate closely with Japan and South Korea and formulate a joint policy toward North Korea, the platform said.

Nearly 4,000 Democratic delegates attending the party's quadrennial national convention in downtown Los Angeles unanimously endorsed the platform, which will serve as a basis of U.S. policy over the next four years if Vice President Gore wins the Nov. 7 presidential election.

In the platform, the Democrats heaped praise on the economic and trade achievements of the Clinton-Gore administration and underscored Gore's readiness to enforce trade rules that they claim are necessary to protect U.S. interests from unfair practices by foreign trade partners.