Nissan Motor Co. will introduce what it says is the cleanest gasoline-fueled vehicle in Japan on August 30, company officials announced Thursday.

The new Bluebird Sylphy sedan, with an engine displacement of 1,800cc, is the first gasoline-fueled model to be certified by the Transport Ministry as an ultra-low emission vehicle under the 2000 regulation, according to the company.

Ultra-low emission vehicles reduce emissions of harmful gases such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide by 75 percent from the levels permitted under the 2000 exhaust emission regulation, which will take effect in October.

Toyota Motor Corp.'s Prius sedan, a hybrid vehicle powered by a gasoline engine and an electric motor, has also been certified as an ultra-low emission vehicle.

The Bluebird Sylphy's emissions of those harmful gases are half the level permitted for ultra-low emission vehicles, company officials said.

Nissan introduced a similar ultra-low emission vehicle, the Sentra CA, in California in February. The Bluebird Sylphy uses the emission-control technology used by the Sentra CA to reduce exhaust gases, company officials said.