A 15-year-old boy was arrested Wednesday for allegedly making bomb-threat calls to a local FM station last month, causing a live program to be temporarily suspended.

According to investigators, the boy, a resident of Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, called Shizuoka FM in Hamamatsu five times within one hour starting at 4:30 p.m. June 22, saying he had placed a bomb in a CD store in Shizuoka.

The incident forced the store to close, and the FM station's live program -- aired from a studio inside the store -- was cut off.

The store is located in a busy part of the city center and the incident caused commotion as shoppers were evacuated and entry into the area was restricted.

Store and studio staff were also evacuated, and the station began broadcasting from its headquarters at 5:20 p.m. for 40 minutes.

Police said there was no bomb placed in the store, adding that the boy has admitted the allegations and apologized for his actions, the sources said.

Investigators traced the calls to the boy's home after the FM station alerted the police.