Japanese pop duo Chage & Aska will perform live in Seoul on Aug. 26 and 27, the group announced Tuesday.

The concerts will be held at Seoul's Olympic memorial park stadium in front of an audience estimated at 20,000, the male duo said at a news conference.

In late June, the South Korean government lifted a restriction that limited concerts by Japanese musicians to audiences of less than 2,000. The regulation was part of a government policy aimed at controlling the flow of Japanese culture into South Korea.

Chage & Aska will be the first Japanese musicians in recent times to give such a large-scale performance.

"It is our duty to build up the relations between Japan and South Korea to make them as close emotionally as they are geographically," Aska said.

Chage added that he hopes the pair's Korean audience will support them. "I am half-excited and half-nervous, but it will benefit us once we are on stage."

The concerts will be sponsored by a South Korean organization, whose honorary head is Lee Hee Ho, wife of South Korean President Kim Dae Jung.

The group reportedly selected Chage & Aska from a list of Japanese musicians selected because of their popularity in other Asian countries.