A 43-year-old nurse who has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to kill her elder daughter insured her after the death of a younger daughter and increased the insurance from 10 million yen to 30 million yen after the death of her son, police said Tuesday.

Yukiko Sakanaka's younger daughter died in March 1997 at age 9 at a hospital in the city of Nara. Her only son died in November that year at age 15 at a hospital in Tenri, Nara Prefecture.

Sakanaka, who would be the beneficiary of 30 million yen worth of life insurance policies taken out on her elder daughter should she die, has admitted to trying to kill the 15-year-old daughter to collect life insurance money, police said.

She received 20 million yen in life insurance money following her son's death and 200,000 yen for the second daughter.