The summit boosted business for many in Nago, but fishermen voluntarily stopped working.

NAGO, Okinawa Pref. (Kyodo) Some businesses in Nago, Okinawa Prefecture, saw their sales triple before and during the three-day Group of Eight summit, which ended Sunday.

Chikara Shimabukuro, 27, a salesman at a seafront stand in the northern Okinawa city, said, "I sold three times as many towels and soft drinks as usual thanks to a number of presummit events. We expect more tourists this summer, too."

An employee at a laundry shop also said it received triple the number of orders for its rapid cleaning service from hotel guests in the city.

Okinawa-based Orion Beer Co. served 3,500 liters of free beer at the International Media Center.

Masamitsu Arakaki, production chief of the brewer, said, "The summit caused a decline in beer sales due to their being fewer tourists (because of security).

"But I believe many people now know the name of our beer."