A worker at a home for the mentally disabled in Kitakami, Iwate Prefecture, has admitted impregnating one of the facility's residents, prefectural government officials said Wednesday.

The woman, who is in her 20s, was found to be pregnant during a medical exam conducted in late June, they said. Earlier, staff at the home, Haginoe Gakuen, had noticed physical changes in the woman, including missed periods.

During a subsequent investigation, the worker, 53, reportedly admitted having a sexual relationship with the woman. His fellow workers had him draw up a written pledge acknowledging that the child is his and promising to take responsibility for it, according to the officials.

The woman is not believed to be sufficiently mentally capable to make decisions about sexual relations or pregnancy.

"We extend our apologies to the woman for something which never should have happened," said Shigenori Hosoda, who heads the prefectural government's section in charge of health care for the disabled. "We will ensure that everything is taken care of during the woman's pregnancy."

The man, who has a wife and child, has been ordered to remain at home while facility officials consider whether to dismiss him. Police have not charged him.

The prefectural government plans to order the social welfare corporation that runs the home to review its operations.

Meanwhile, police are investigating whether the recent death of the home's director was a suicide. The director went missing shortly after it was determined that the woman was pregnant, and his body was found in a wooded area earlier this month.

He also served as chairman of a prefectural mental health association.