Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara will visit Taiwan beginning Friday to attend the inauguration of new Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian, a trip that is likely to be condemned by China.

Sources said Ishihara will also hold talks with senior Taiwanese officials during his stay, they said. Chen will be inaugurated Saturday.

Ishihara last visited Taiwan in November at the invitation of President Lee Teng-hui, a longtime friend, to inspect areas of Nantou County badly damaged by an earthquake in September. He also met with Lee and other Taiwanese leaders.

According to the Taiwanese presidential office, Ishihara, the first incumbent Tokyo governor to visit the island since Japan broke off diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1972, described the November trip as "a humanitarian journey" to help rebuild the areas ravaged by the Sept. 21 quake, which claimed more than 2,000 lives.

Ishihara was quoted by the office at the time as saying, "The Republic of China (Taiwan) is one of Japan's neighboring nations, and it is quite natural that we extend a helping hand when our neighbor suffers disaster."

Ishihara has said friendship with Taiwan is part of Tokyo's metropolitan diplomacy. He has indicated that he hopes to invite Lee to Japan after he officially steps down as president.

Ishihara also told a metropolitan assembly session that despite Tokyo's friendship ties with the city of Beijing, he does not feel any friendship toward the Chinese capital.

China has been critical of his pro-Taiwan policy.