Hoping to increase awareness that Italy is more than just a tourist destination, a yearlong promotion comprising various exhibitions across Japan will be launched next March, the promoters announced Friday.

The biggest-ever project to promote the country abroad, "Italy in Japan 2001" will kick off with an exhibition on the Renaissance period starting March 19, 2001.

It will be followed by more exhibitions and symposiums on a variety of subjects, including history, food and state-of-the-art technology.

"It is the best opportunity to present the Italy of 2,000 years ago as well as that of today," said Umberto Agnelli, president of the Italy in Japan 2001 Foundation at the Italian Embassy in Tokyo's Minato Ward.

"Through the presentation of the ancient period through the 20th century, Japanese people can find Italy's creativity and continuity throughout time."

A friendly soccer match between Japan and Italy is also scheduled during the yearlong project. "But it is going be a serious match, with the coming World Cup in mind. Italian players will not be coming here on a vacation tour," said Agnelli, also chairman of the Italian professional soccer team Juventus.

The project, which was conceived following the success of "Japan in Italy 95/96," will be jointly financed by the Italian government and businesses, and about 100 Japanese corporations are also expected to participate in the project.