Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan arrived Wednesday in Japan for talks later in the day with Foreign Minister Yohei Kono on the timing of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's visit to Japan.

The timing of Zhu's visit has been a sticking point for the two countries for months. While Tokyo would have liked to see the visit before Japan hosts the July Group of Eight summit in Okinawa, China has repeatedly indicated that the trip would not be linked to the G8 summit.

During his four-day visit, Tang is scheduled to meet today with Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and leaders of six ruling and opposition parties. He will also attend a Friday luncheon to be hosted by Japan's four major business groups.

Tang is also scheduled to pay a visit to former Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, who has been in a coma since suffering a stroke in early April, at a Tokyo hospital before meeting with Kono. Government officials said the two had been close friends.