Toyota Motor Corp. and NTT Communications Corp. (NTT Com.) said Thursday that they will invest in an e-commerce venture designed by five Japanese convenience store operators.

The new firm, e-Plat Japan Co., will be set up April 13 to operate an e-commerce market through multimedia terminals, which will be placed at about 13,000 convenience stores and other shops, including Toyota's dealers, by the end of June 2001.

Toyota and NTT Com. will have a 5 percent stake each in the new company, capitalized at 100 million yen. Familymart Co. will own 35 percent of the firm, and Circle K Japan Co. will hold a 25 percent stake. Sunkus and Associates Inc., Three F Co. and Ministop Co. will own 10 percent each.

Toyota will develop the platform for the multimedia terminals and operate the multimedia terminal system at its operation center, using its expertise applied to the Gazoo car information terminal.

NTT Com. will provide information technology to integrate the computer systems of the participating companies.

Consumers will be able to access Web sites of the five convenience stores and Toyota's car information site through the multimedia terminals to shop and obtain information.

The new firm will also develop a payment and delivery system and design Internet content for public services including residents registration. The multimedia terminals will be introduced in September.

Japan's major convenience store operator Seven-Eleven Japan Co. is promoting a similar e-commerce market launching in June in cooperation with Sony Corp., NEC Corp. and five other companies.