A financier in Honjo, Saitama Prefecture, and three women have been arrested on suspicion of arranging bogus marriages between two Filipino hostesses and Japanese men in an alleged murder-for-insurance scheme, police said.

The four people arrested Friday were named as Shigeru Yagi, 50, Mayumi Take, 32, Takako Morita, 38, and Filipino Analie Kawamura, 34. Police plan to serve additional arrest warrants on the suspects for murder and attempted murder.

Police believe that Yagi attempted to kill Fujimi Kawamura by drugging him after filing a bogus marriage with Analie.

According to police investigations, Analie Kawamura and the other suspects took out insurance policies worth a total of about 1 billion yen on Fujimi Kawamura, 38, a resident of the town of Kodama in Saitama Prefecture.