Japan plans to propose technical assistance on genetically modified foods to developing countries at an annual summit of the Group of Eight major nations in July in Okinawa Prefecture, government sources said Saturday.

Food safety is one of the major items on the agenda for the July 21-23 summit.

The government believes the transfer of G8 nations' quarantine and crop management knowhow will help developing countries harness biotechnology to boost harvest yields or design crops adapted to various climates.

The proposal is also aimed at giving momentum to ongoing international efforts to draw up safety standards for the controversial foods, the sources said.

The government intends to propose the idea at a meeting to be held in early April by personal representatives of the G8 leaders charged with preparing the agenda. The representatives are known as sherpas.

At their summit in Cologne, Germany, last June, the G8 leaders requested the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to file a report on food safety, including the effects of biotechnology, at the next G8 summit.

The 29-member OECD has since proceeded with discussions at its special committee and other forums.