Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji announced Wednesday he will visit Japan this year but that China will not participate in the July Group of Eight major nations summit in Okinawa.

"Chinese-Japanese relations are developing very well at present," Zhu said at a Beijing press conference, adding that he personally has developed a "very good relationship" with Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi.

"I am preparing to visit Japan this year, but my visit has no relation to the G8 summit," he said.

China made its position on the G8 known on two separate occasions last month, but this is the first time that Zhu has personally rejected Tokyo's overtures. Earlier comments were made by a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman.

Securing China's attendance at the G8 summit was a high priority for Obuchi. The idea was first raised by New Komeito leader Takenori Kanzaki in Beijing in November.

Japan, however, did not formally invite China to the summit because approval from the other seven participants was not obtained.

China, which perceives itself as a champion of developing countries, does not want to participate in an organization that excludes Third World nations.