Life Space cult leader Koji Takahashi was indicted Tuesday on charges of murdering Shinichi Kobayashi, 66, a former company employee, whose mummified body was found in a Narita hotel in Chiba Prefecture in November.

As well as Takahashi, nine other cult members were arrested last month in connection with the case. Of the nine others, Kenji Kobayashi, the eldest son of the victim, was indicted on charges of failing to properly protect his father. The others were released.

In late June, Shinichi collapsed due to a cerebral hemorrhage at his home in Kawanishi, Hyogo Prefecture. He was later taken to a hospital in nearby Itami.

Prosecutors allege that on July 2, Kenji forcibly took his father to the hotel in Narita, disregarding hospital orders that the patient not be moved. Kenji knew his father could die if removed from the hospital, according to the indictment.

Takahashi and his followers allegedly administered what they called the "Shakty Pat" therapy to Kobayashi, which consisted of patting his head. They later abandoned him, having never sought adequate medical treatment, the indictment says.

The following day, Kobayashi died of suffocation due to an accumulation of saliva and mucus in his trachea, it says. His mummified body was found on Nov. 11.

Life Space, which organized self-enlightenment seminars, was founded by Takahashi, 61, in 1983 in Suita, Osaka Prefecture.