Softbank Corp. Chairman Masayoshi Son could become the world's richest man, dethroning Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates, as Softbank shares have surged in the past year, a U.S. biweekly business magazine said in its latest edition.

"By the time you read this, Bill Gates may no longer be the richest man in the world," the March 20 edition of Forbes Global says.

"Bill Gates' wealth has grown, but nothing like that of Masayoshi Son," the magazine said, adding that Softbank shares have advanced 20-fold in the past year to $1,500 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Softbank owns part of the Internet portal Yahoo! as well as small stakes in many Internet businesses.

The value of Son's holdings have surged to $64 billion from $6.4 billion in July, compared with Gates' $82 billion.

"Knock 5 percent off Microsoft's shares, add 25 percent to Softbank's, and Son's on top," the magazine said.

It added, however, "Earnings from Son's Softbank holdings will be a pittance."