The government announced Friday that it has tightened rules to require authorities to keep a lookout for illegal exports of garbage.

The new rules, compiled by seven government bodies such as the Foreign Ministry, the International Trade and Industry Ministry and the Health and Welfare Ministry, require authorities to report any suspicious shipments to customs officials.

The move follows the discovery that hazardous waste was illegally exported to Manila last year.

Officials will also require waste-disposal companies and Japanese embassies in countries to which waste is exported to confirm the legality of the shipments.

The officials will discuss details of the rule with their counterparts in the Philippines in mid-March.

Japanese waste-disposal company Nisso Ltd. reportedly exported 122 containers full of materials such as adult diapers, aluminum foil and sanitary napkins to the Philippines last year. contravention of the Basel Convention. The Japanese government returned the shipment to Japan in January. at the request of Manila.