Digital Cast International Ltd. on Thursday unveiled programs it plans to deliver on a digital data broadcasting service it is planning to launch Dec. 1. The Tokyo-based broadcaster will offer a 24-hour schedule of news, weather forecasts, local government bulletins, sales programs for books, regional products and tickets for entertainment events as well as updates on stock prices and other financial market data. The announcement makes DCI the first to unveil its program plan among the eight data broadcasters licensed by the government to offer programs through a broadcasting satellite that will be used for commercial broadcasting beginning Dec. 1. DCI, established by Hitachi Ltd., Fujitsu Ltd., Cannon Inc. and seven other companies, will launch a broadcasting satellite in October, via which it will provide two-way digital data broadcasting services in cooperation with Asahi Satellite Broadcasting Ltd., an affiliate of Asahi National Broadcasting Co. DCI is capitalized at 2.01 billion yen, with Hitachi, Fujitsu, and Cannon holding about 25 percent each. The other seven firms are: NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc., Sakura Bank, Flex Co., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp., Tokyo Gas Co., Nippon Life Insurance Co. and Marubeni Corp. With the satellite, broadcasting companies will be able to offer two-way services and send high-quality audiovisual signals.