On the nation's first trading day after the turn of the year, Japan saw no major problems related to the millennium computer glitch, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mikio Aoki announced on Tuesday. "We have received no report (of Y2K trouble) from companies, including financial institutions, which just reopened their business operations today," Aoki told a morning press conference. The top government spokesman added that no major problems have been reported with regard to the nation's energy situation, traffic, communication and medical services. According to the government's Y2K task force, there had been 25 minor Y2K-related problems as of 8 p.m. Tuesday, including the Jan. 1 incident at a Fukushima nuclear power plant involving a control system failing to display the location of one of the facility's control rods while the system's built-in clock showed the date as Feb. 6, 2036. The task force, which was set up at the Prime Minister's Official Residence, said that the situations have been resolved in 18 out of the 25 cases. Aoki said that the government plans to dissolve the task force today, although Tokyo will continue to carefully observe the nation's Y2K situation. "Despite some minor problems, we were able to welcome the new year uneventfully, as a whole," Aoki told reporters. "It was a result of joint efforts by the public and private sectors, and I think we can rate that highly."