In an attempt to block a move by some members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party of Japan will submit a bill to revise the Political Funds Control Law to ensure politicians will be banned from receiving political donations from companies and other organizations beginning January 2000, DPJ Deputy Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama said Friday.

Currently the Political Funds Control Law stipulates in its rider that measures should be sought to ban politicians from receiving political donations from companies and other organizations starting in January 2000.

However, some Liberal Democratic Party members are considering trying to postpone the ban for three years.

To ensure the ban goes into effect, the DPJ will propose a bill that effectively prohibits companies and organizations, including labor unions, from donating money to be used for political activities.

The largest opposition party is expected to submit the bill to the Diet as early as next week.

"While requesting cooperation from other political parties for it, we will make efforts to enact the law by 2000," Hatoyama said, criticizing the LDP.

Meanwhile, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka expressed hopes during a regular press conference that each political party will discuss the issue of political funds thoroughly.