About 100 Chinese students demonstrated in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo's Minato Ward for the second straight day Monday, protesting Friday's NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and demanding an immediate halt to the airstrikes.

The protesters, most of whom were university students in Tokyo, rallied across from the main gate.

While shouting anti-U.S. and anti-NATO slogans and singing the Chinese national anthem, they held up a Chinese flag and banners with slogans such as "NATO is killer" and "Topple the U.S. imperialism."

One banner featured portrait photos of the three killed in the bombing with the words, "I am still young. I don't wanna die."

The demonstration culminated with two students reading aloud a letter of protest in Chinese and English to a crowd. The letter, addressed to the U.S. ambassador, charged that the Chinese embassy was intentionally targeted because of China's opposition to the bombing in Yugoslavia and called for an end to the NATO campaign. It was later handed to an embassy official.